Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory

About us
The Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory (NEGL) is a research laboratory based at the Department of Geography and Planning at Queen's University. This laboratory's focus is on understanding how the cryosphere (all things ice and snow) interact with ecosystems in Labrador and how climate change may impact the cryosphere in the future. This project continues with some work that began as the Labrador Permafrost Project and the Torngat Glacier Project which were based at the University of Ottawa and Memorial University of Newfoundland, respectively. The NEGL is actively involved in a number of existing research projects and emphasizes the importance of including local communities and indigenous organizations in the research process.
The Research Program Lead for the Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory (NEGL) is Dr. Robert G. Way who is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at Queen's University. Dr. Way was born and raised in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador and is a Nunatsiavut Beneficiary (Inuit descent).