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Current research funders

Current research funders

ArcticNet - National Centre of Excellence 

Project title: Understanding and predicting future climate-vegetation-cryosphere
interactions in coastal Labrador

Principal investigator: Dr. Robert G. Way & Dr. Andrew Trant (U. of Waterloo)

Laboratory role: Project lead

Term: 2019-2024

Project annual report(s)

Year 1: 2019-2020

Year 2: 2020-2021

Year 3: 2021-2022

Year 4: 2022-2023
Year 5: 2023-2024

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Project title: Susceptibility of peatland permafrost in coastal Labrador

to future environmental change

Principal investigator: Dr. Robert G. Way

Laboratory role: Project lead

Term: 2020-2026

Polar Knowledge Canada 

Project title: Integrating local knowledge, plant response, and cryosphere
dynamics to predict future food and fuel

Principal investigator: Dr. Carissa Brown

Laboratory role: Collaborator 

Term: 2017-2019

Weston Foundation - Parks Canada - Nunatsiavut Government fund 

for research at Torngat Mountains Base Camp and National Park

Project title: The Torngat Permafrost Project

Principal investigator: Dr. Robert G. Way 

Laboratory role: Project lead

Term: 2016-2022

Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Government of Canada

Project title: Coastal Labrador Climate and Weather Monitoring Program

Principal investigator: Dr. Robert G. Way

Laboratory role: Project lead

Term: 2018-2022

Queen's University Research Initiation Grant

Project(s) title: Labrador Permafrost Project, The Torngat Permafrost Project, Coastal and Labrador climate weather monitoring program, Integrating local knowledge, plant response, and cryosphere dynamics to predict future food and fuel.

Principal investigator: Dr. Robert G. Way

Term: 2018-2022

Canadian Foundation for Innovation & Ontario Research Fund

Project title: The Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory

Principal investigator: Dr. Robert G. Way

Laboratory role: Project lead

Term: 2020-2022

Canada-Inuit Nunangat-United Kingdom Arctic Research Program

Project title: Impacts of cryosphere-hydrosphere change on ecosystems and livelihoods in northern Nunatsiavut, Canada (IMAGINE)

Principal investigators: Dr. Robert G. Way (CAN) & Dr. Nicholas Barrand (UK)

Laboratory role: Project lead (Canadian side)

Term: 2022-2026
2022 Annual Meeting Project Presentation

2023 Annual Meeting Project Presentation

2024 Annual Meeting Project Presentation


Research Partners

Nunatsiavut Government
Research Project(s): Coastal and Labrador climate weather monitoring program, The Torngat Permafrost Project, Integrating local knowledge, plant response, and cryosphere 
dynamics to predict future food and fuel, Understanding and predicting future climate-vegetation-cryosphere interactions in coastal Labrador

NunatuKavut Community Council

Research Project(s): Coastal and Labrador climate weather monitoring program, Understanding and predicting future climate-vegetation-cryosphere interactions in coastal Labrador

Water Resources Division, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Research Project(s): Coastal and Labrador climate weather monitoring program

Labrador Institute, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Research Project(s): Coastal and Labrador climate weather monitoring program

The SmartAtlantic Alliance, Centre for Applied Ocean Technology (CTec) and the Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship (COVE).

Research Project(s): Coastal and Labrador climate weather monitoring program

Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory

If you're looking to contact us for any reason we can be reached in the following ways:

​Telephone : ​613-533-6000 ext. 75914

Email :

                Social Networks!

We apologize - we are in the process of preparing facebook and twitter pages and will update when they're prepared.

Share your thoughts!

We are always looking for more information on permafrost in Labrador. If you have any experiences with frozen ground or any thoughts or ideas on its occurrences please reach out via the Contact Us / Contribute page.


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