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NEGL Research Program Goals

1. To enhance core understanding of cryospheric and ecological systems in Labrador & northeast Québec;

2.  To evaluate the sensitivity of geosystems and ecosystems to observed and projected changes in climate and variability;

3. To produce useful and timely data and other information in support of environmental monitoring and assessment initiatives;

4. To train, mentor and prepare undergraduate and graduate students for a wide range of future career paths;

5. To work with communities and indigenous organizations/governments in a manner that is respectful of traditional knowledge and practices;

6. To provide training and graduate education opportunities for northern and indigenous students;

7. To facilitate and support climate change adaptation initiatives in northern Canada.

Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory

If you're looking to contact us for any reason we can be reached in the following ways:

​Telephone : ​613-533-6000 ext. 75914

Email :

                Social Networks!

We apologize - we are in the process of preparing facebook and twitter pages and will update when they're prepared.

Share your thoughts!

We are always looking for more information on permafrost in Labrador. If you have any experiences with frozen ground or any thoughts or ideas on its occurrences please reach out via the Contact Us / Contribute page.


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